Beautiful 1852 hand-colored geological sections along the Mississippi.
Section Upper Mississippi From the Falls of St Anthony to Crow Wing
Sec. 1. Section on Mission Creek, by J.G.N. Sec.2. Lake shore above Kamanasisatikag River, by J.G.N. Sec. 3. Lake shore between Split Rock and Gooseberry River, by J.G.N. Sec.4. Section of Palisade River, by J.G.N. Sec 4, S. Section showing the succession, elevation and depression of the rocks on the St. Peters River... By F. B. Shumard. Sec. 5. Section on the west fork of Palisade River, by J.G.N. Sec. 6. Section on Cut-Face River, by J.G.N. Section No. 7, on the upper Mississippi from the falls to St. Anthony to Corw Wing.