About these maps
These maps were removed from variously damaged school books, government reports, atlases, etc., and now that they have been "liberated," they can shine on a wall as the works of art they really are. Many of these maps were folded in various ways inside the books they lived in, from a simple centerfold to sometimes 8-10 folds. Some maps develop a heavier brown tone at the folds, this is quite common. When handled a lot, folded maps can weaken along the folds, and develop pinholes where two folds meet; fragile maps can develop splits along the folds, many of which can be repaired with archival tape. Tears, from small to large, are a common problem with antique maps in general, and folding maps are quite vulnerable to tearing at the hinge, the place where the map was attached to the book. If a map has been repaired with archival tape, it will be stated in the description.
Browning of the paper, the development of spots, and foxing (a deterioration of the paper that causes splotching on the pages) are also common issues. Generally, map descriptions will mention these problems, and pictures will show them.
Stains, smudges and even handwritten notes are not unusual, and even common in maps from school books. While badly smudged or stained maps won't generally be on this site, if a map has some soiling it will be pointed out in the description.