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Three sheets.

Very attractive map of the Roman Empire with political and historical information, including population and a recounting of the Campaign of Hanniblal, dated 1820, from the 1821 edition of Lavoisne's Historical Atlas. Political divisions individually hand colored, surrounded by geographical and statistical information. Includes sheets No. 19. Genealogical, Historical and Chronological Map of Rome, from its Foundation and No. 20. Genealogical, Historical and Chronological Map of the Roman Empire to Constantine the Great, A.D. 306.

Lavoisne's Historical Atlas. A Complete Genealogical, Historical, Chronological, and Geographical Atlas; being a general guide to ancient and modern history: Exhibiting an accurate account of the origin, descent, and marriages the principal royal families, from the earliest authentic records; together with various possessions, wars, celebrated battles, and remarkable events, to the year 1821; according to the plan of Le Sage, greatly improved. The whole forming a complete system of history and geography. By M. Lavoisne. From the last London edition, improved by C. Gros, of the University of Paris, and J. Aspin, Professor of History, &c. Enlarged by the addition of several new maps of American history and geography Extended to the beginning of the year 182i. Third American Edition, carefully revised and corrected. Philadelphia: Published by M. Carey and Sons. May 22, 1821. Printed by T.H. Palmer, on the Ruthven Press, and on J. & T. Gilpin's Machine Paper.

No. 61. Geographical, Statistical and Historical Map of the Turkey, 1820

SKU: 115
  • No. 61. Geographical, Statistical and Historical Map of the Turkey. Turkey in Europe and Asia Including the Places Celebrated for Battles and Sieges intended for the elucidation of Lavoisne's Geological, Chronological, Historical and Geographical Atlas. By C. Gros. 1820.

    No. 62. Geneological, Historical, and Chronological Map of the Empire of the Turks.

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